Are Kinda-ish NSFW wallpapers allowed? [Feel free to delete this :-/ ]

If you really want to see what I made, check the edit history. No idea why I made this thread >_>

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I don’t think that this will be accepted… Just saying

honestly i think it will be okay, but its not my decision, its ultimately up to @saviski

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That’s why I posted it, to ask if so. Thanks for your answer!

I can’t see why this whould be nsfw =P
Meaning depends on context.

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I hope you know what I mean :stuck_out_tongue:

I Know, but if you keep it without no “real disturbing things” as you mentioned earlier, I don’t see a problem.

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i would like to see it from 2 sites

  1. if its posted to the site i would like to see many downloads to it and laugh (cauz the pic is funny)
  2. i will laugh anyway xD