(No Idea if we can post these types of “ads” on here) As the title states, Im in need of a resource pack designer for my server, It needs to be realistic, with a few 3D graphics (maybe like… 2 different items) and 1-2 Animations. This texture pack is an Equine (horse) themed texture pack, so horses and their markings must look realistic. I always see prices bouncing around from Free-$100 dollars, so if you would like to take on this project, please email me @ Valezni724@gmail.com or Discord: _ Storm _#4956 (no spaces) with an offer, and some pictures of projects you have previously done. Pretty much every block will be textured, not all mobs will be textured, the only ones I really need are Parrots, Horses (Regular, Zombie, and Skeleton), Dogs, Ocelots, Pigs, Sheep, Cows… this server doesn’t usually see hostile mobs so no need to texture those.
If you could help me out please let me know!
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