Nova skin is not letting me sign in and dont work in 1.12.2

all of my worlds are 1.12.2 and all of my customnpcs are steves and the urls arent working i cant change them back. imgur works so its not my game. i went back on the skin editor to access my old skins but it wont even let me login :confused: does anyone know if they are working on this or if this is gonna get fixed??


No literally same… its absurd… Glad someone else is bringing this up … upvoted and best wishes to u… :+1:

Active 1.12.2 user here also :person_raising_hand: I started to notice this too… Can someone help us? I use this program a lot so it makes me disappointed when I can not get it to work. Praying for good results for us

Kinda the same problem her but skins show up as Steve no matter what version I’m playing. It used to work fine.