[solved] The *Pose* Button Is Gone! [Merged]

okay. i do not know if firefox has an incognito mode just to let you know ^.^

I’m Sorry But I Would Not Like To Download “firefox” for this…Plz help me!

have you tried incognito chrome

yes,i indeed did I pressed CTRL+SHIFT+N which opened a new window,i then looked up noveskin skin editor,nothing changed!

hmmm. im really not sure whats going on… try this go to this version of the editor: http://beta.minecraft.novaskin.me/

THANKS!!THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED!Can’t Wait to start using :smile:

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its working for you?

YES IT IS!!!Thanks so much!!Lots Of Skin Editors-Eoin

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glad i could help! :smiley:

I am aware of this problem, although I do not know what is it cause.
Anyway, I did some changes to the layout and the pose button should not be hidden anymore.