Using Different Skins for One Wallpaper

Hey guys, I need some help.

I’m trying to make wallpapers, which I combine with TextCraft in order to make really awesome thumbnails.

I’ve found that I can only have one skin at any time. Whilst I can still choose what skin this is, whenever I select it, it copies and every avatar/character in the wallpaper has the same skin.

Once this happens, I go to put one of my friend’s skins on one of the other characters, and instead of one character having a different skin to all the rest, all the avatars end up with the same skin.

As a result of this, I’m not able to have multiple characters in the wallpapers and am forced to only pick the wallpapers that only have one character in them.

I hope you guys can help, I need it a lot :smiley:



Hello Louis, that shouldn’t happen!
Does that happens with a specific wallpaper or it happens with all wallpapers? Which browser are you using, have you tried it in other browsers?

Thanks for reporting the bug! We will do our best to solve it! :smiley:

Thanks for the quick response!

I tried a different wallpaper and it works fine :smiley:

In terms of the problem I previously encountered, this happened with the “PvP 4” image and the “Dance!” image, I believe.

To my own knowledge, these are the only two with this bug :smile:



Thank you for reporting this bug in the forum!
If you see any other bug just report it to make Nova Skin a even better website! :blush:

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There was a bug with the PvP4 wallpaper. It has been fixed now.

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