Lol, yes. You made the selfie one right? That one was a HUGE hit!
**Also off topic
Aham! some times, simple things are DA BeST.
Could you do mine? My username is EnderGolumn465
I was halfway through doing it when I thought, “How do you turn an Enderman into a Zombie?” May I please have a little specification?
i honestly dont know… i was just wanting to see if you were able to come up with anything
No such luck. Would you still like your skin done?
Are you still doing this? if so my ign is RIPcreepers
I am still doing it, but I can only do ones that are human.
It would be cool to have a Superman teen zombiefied!
can u zombie my skin like half way zombified? that would be grate heres my skins link file:///C:/Users/Brett/Downloads/skin_20131130163453132688.png
I’m sorry, the link doesn’t seem to be working.
Can you make me a zombie skin? plz my minecraft name is Luna_Glowstone.
can I get a zombie skin please for October. My “ghost” skin got corrupt and I couldn’t recover it. You can find my skin here: please and thanks.
can you zombifiy my skin my ign is Djassassin1 you can find it with this link
me? ign: BlazeDP
thank you
Can you make me a zombie skin? my ign is ViciousIceCream.
can you zombify my skin?
I don’t have minecraft but this is what it would be if i did.
Is it too late for a request?