How to create wallpaper templates with Cinema 4D

Okay I’m not 100% clear as to what you need. I’ve made a few images and they don’t look like what I was aiming for. So maybe I’m doing something wrong. Here’s a few samples of what I’ve done and what I want.

Just the lights

The lights with After Effects

How I want it to look

Although this is what I seem to be getting

Rendering a scene with nothing but lights doesn’t make the lights reflect the the right colors so the final result is not what I wished to provide.

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The background0 has transparency on the players?

Can you post the png image here?

You mean this one right? I layered it using photoshop and when it’s on top it at least looks like it should without the After Effects.

Now do I just add After Effects to that one? I think it won’t look right, but I can try…

Hey, I hope this isn’t TOO unrelated, but I was wondering if this even had any chance of getting to be a wallpaper (I will do the skins and configuration later):


why not? it looks great :smiley:

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OMG it’s Asuna from SAO!!!

Can i use mine-imator to make a wallpaper? I only have mine-imator

But you can download the program ???

How long do you think it will take for a wallpaper to be put on the website?

No, mine-imator does not have a way to export the texture mapping.

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For my wallpaper is still ok saviski ?

I dont actually get all this - how to create wallpaper. I really want to!

I still cant open it! i un-zip it and the file becomes a text! Not a app! … How do i fix this?

nova skin pls added mine-imator is doesn t suck anymor

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Yes I use Mine-imator too! Let us use mine-imator! It’s not bad anymore!

Dá para fazer nó mine-mator sé tem auguem pode me explicar como
muito obrigado :grin:

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Please make it able to handle mine-imator wallpapers, I will make one and send it to the email provided.

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am I able to make templates with blender by any chance?