Wallpaper suggestions

You should make a wallpaper that shows everyone (5-10 characters) at a party and everyone is having a epic battle against mobs & herobrine! #HerobrineCrashesPartys

i think you should include a few more group shots with a funny twist!

my only idea is someone who commits suicide (with a gun)

where will we find these wallpapers saviski, on the wallpaper page or somewhere else @saviski

a link to all the wallpapers can be found here

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thank u, i thougt they would be somewhere else besides the normal page. :3
thanks anyway :stuck_out_tongue: @XepherXV

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nice ideas…

kiiindov… :confused: @lazyboys2020

you HAVE to make a christmas wallpaper where it is snowing and then there is a tall spruce tree with a mistle toe hanging & there are 2 people kissing <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

eeeeew @MoonTheUniverse

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i would like a attack on titan wallpaper i would make dozens of aot skins


Yeah like a cop shootout or something like battlefield

I think there should be a wallpaper with 5 people one building, one mining, one hunting, one doing archery, and one picking flowers! :smiley:

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I know this is kinda late but i was wondering if you could make like a attack on titan themed one. i know it would be kinda hard but it would be really cool if you could make it. Thanks :smile:

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i was talkin about that dude

ill do this one when i get home from vacation, in about a week or so

okie then i will repay u

We were thinking its not a wallpaper u can make, if u can update something can u update it that u can type the skin name and not the players name. Cuz we have made our own skins on skindex, but we cant get them on so plzz try update it thanks :smiley:

And for a wallpaper,could u please do this.4 People fighting against another 4 people. please do it.

Thank You

I’ve already done this one, please wait a few days until it be on the website. Hope you like!

Can you add more group shots where everyone is actually together?
For example, I like the one where everyone is holding weapons with the wither behind them but there’s only 4 players in the shot, so I can’t fit many friends. Then there is some that uses many players but they’re not together or trying to do things together. If you can make one like that I might use it as a forum signature, maybe

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