Wallpaper suggestions


awsome!!! endermen!!!

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Here are a few suggestions I made up:
-Yandere Simulator
-Someone with a broken heart
-More AC! (Assassin’s Creed)
-COD battle
-FNAF (Five night’s at Freddy’s) Like maybe surrounded by all the animatronics or something
And I’ll think of more later!
-Partners in crime!: Maybe like two people fist bumping with I dunno a city burning down behind them or something X3

A rock concert (with fans)
Someone hydro sliding (knee boarding), wake boarding, skiing, or snowboarding
A DJ (with setup)

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So uhm, @saviski is the website dead or something? cauz there hasn;t been any upload on the wallpapers for months now, and I really looked forward for my wallpapers to be posted :confused:


i agree with him. i always wait for the new ones to come out and all of these wallpapers are awsome! please add more wallpapers

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Me tomo una hora en hacerlo. No se si me quedo bien o feo pero igual :y
I take an hour to do so. Not if I run good or ugly but equal. :y


Nice setup and thanks for making it.


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nicocarp! youre doing amazing wallpapers! keep up the good work


and you see when I’m editing. if you are using Windows XP to make wallpapers

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Nicocarp, do you know why there are no wallpapers going on the site.

Nicocarp, ¿sabes por qué no hay fondos de pantalla que van en el sitio

a mi se me ve parecido el c4d ya que mi pc no es muy actual que digamos xD

my image Uploading…

can someone make a wallpaper that has kids sliding and playing on the stairs :slightly_smiling:

no sabia que wallpaper hacer, y de repente se me ocurrio esto :v
(soy ateo por si preguntan)
:V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V :V


what about, a character with half face (if that makes sense). Like, half you can put your MC Skin and the half is like your demon or other form.

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